26 November 2014
Conference, Workshop and Publication

Date: 26 November 2014
Conference and Workshops: 9:00am – 6:00pm
Evening Events: 6:00pm – 9:00pm
Venue: Connecting Space Hong Kong (Directions)
Curated by: Johannes M. Hedinger, Li Zhenhua
Panelists: Jens Badura, Dominique Lämmli, Lee Chun Fung, Johannes M. Hedinger, Isaac Leung, Li Zhenhua, Jörg Scheller, Zhang Yehong, Yung Long Song, Cao Dan, Michelle Wong, Arianna Gellini, Gabriel Leung, a.o.
Workshop Leaders: Au Step, Jörg Scheller, Jens Badura, Li Zhenhua, a.o.
Performers: Kung Chi-Shing, Anthony Yeung, tang siu wa [唐小樺], jamsen law [羅琛堡], Oliver Coates
“What’s Next? Art after Crisis” discusses in theory and practice the possibilities of the art of the next society, the impending paradigm shift, the latest developments of the ‘art’ system as well as the changes in the conditions of production, distribution and reception of art today in a global context. In two plenary sessions, three workshops and an evening programme, these subjects would be addressed and discussed with positions from theory and practice from Western and Eastern art.
地點:Connecting Space Hong Kong, 北角堡壘街18-20 號華健大廈地下