Japanese Poster Artists

Supported Projects
Hong Kong



Japan fascinates with a unique poster culture. Its subtle poetry, mystical messages and glowing colours are just as captivating as the cheeky provocation and rejection of all the accepted rules of visual communication. The exhibition contains over two hundred pieces of poster works that represent the artistic statement and image advertising development in Japan from 1950s to the present day. Highlights include works by three old masters, Shigeo Fukuda, Kazumasa Nagai and Ikko Tanaka. A collaboration with Museum für Gestaltung Zürich and its poster collection.

About HKDI Gallery

The HKDI Gallery is dedicated to the advancement of design education in Hong Kong through the exposition of international exhibitions and contemporary issues on design. HKDI Gallery aims to engage the design education community and the general public in the advancement of a new awareness of design through the examination of the history, theory and practices of design, and from close interactive studies of the design objects themselves.