Official Opening of Connecting Space Hong Kong 官方成立典禮

Since May this year, the exploratory platform for collaborative, artistic and intercultural projects, Connecting Spaces Hong Kong – Zurich, has successfully started its activities in Hong Kong in collaboration with various institutions, organizations and individuals in Hong Kong.
Connecting Spaces Hong Kong – Zurich is a transdisciplinary and transcultural project initiated by the Zurich University of the Arts. This project rests firmly on the principle of cooperation, and aims to stimulate mutual exchange between Hong Kong and Zurich on the level of concrete cultural practices.
Joint artistic research projects, workshops and lectures as well as other events have successfully been taking place at the Connecting Space Hong Kong during the last months. With continuous interest and support from different partners in Hong Kong, we are much looking forward to fruitful collaborations and many more exciting activities in the future.
To express our gratitude and celebrate a common start in Hong Kong, we would like to invite our partners, friends and further interested parties to the official opening of Connecting Space Hong Kong on 27th November 2014 (Thurs) at our location at G/F, 18-20 Fort Street, North Point, Hong Kong, starting at 6:30pm.
我們誠意邀請 閣下參加Connecting Space Hong Kong 的官方成立典禮。
自本年五月起,Connecting Space Hong Kong 作為由瑞士蘇黎世伸延至香港的實驗平台,致力開展不同類型的跨文化藝術協作計劃;並與各本地機構及個別人士等成為合作伙伴,成功籌劃各類藝文活動。
Connecting Spaces Hong Kong – Zurich 由蘇黎世藝術大學主辦,是以跨領域、跨文化為目標的計劃。我們期望以協同合作為重心,確切促進香港及蘇黎世兩地的文藝交流。
在過往數月,我方以舉辦聯合藝術研究計劃、工作坊及講座等活動成功為 Connecting Space Hong Kong 建立多元交流的定位。在此我們感謝各界一直以來的興趣及支持,亦期望未來能與各方持續合作,逹至更理想的成果,並為公眾提供多面向的藝文活動。
為感謝各界的支持及慶祝Connecting Space Hong Kong 正式成立,我們希望邀請閣下參加於二零一四年十一月二十七日(星期四)晚上六時三十分於北角堡壘街18-20 號華健大廈地下舉行的成立典禮,同慶新藝文空間正式進駐香港。